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Friday, January 18, 2013

Arthur's Birthday Party and other things

When I was in New York, I was wishing for a professional camera, if only to properly capture all of the lovely things I was seeing. There's a fear that your puny little memory won't be enough to save everything.

I got my wish!

My first photo: my striking mother, who works in spiritual healthcare.

I experimented.

My dog's enjoyment of this is dubious

Soon, it was time for my boyfriend's 22nd birthday party.

I wore this. Forgive the mirror smudge.

What would be the last trip down highway 301 from Elkton to Annapolis begged for a picture. It has always been one of my favorite drives, scenic and peaceful.

At the liquor store, I bought things with ringing endorsements.

Bruce Willis knows: there is no vodka like Polish vodka. At least, according to my Polish boyfriend.

Who is looking adorable, I must say.

Soon people began to arrive, including a lovely friend of Julia's, Arthur's sister Ann, and Julia, whose birthday it also was.

Julia's friend had a wonderful tattoo.

Susan, Arthur's roommate, was in full costume.

Her mustache found its way to Arthur's good friend, Dave, whose girlfriend is looking adorable.

Why is it that my boyfriend looks best in pictures with other women? Ah! Jerica, whose personality resembles the pink in her hair: muted and lovely.

Dave strove to embarrass Arthur on his birthday.

Cordell, the light of any party, with Ann, whose effervescence is without measure.

My camera found its way around!

I was pleased.

x Guinevere

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