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Saturday, January 19, 2013

The fifteenth was simple.


Star Trek.

and a clean room, which looks like this.

The sixteenth appears to have faded from my memory. I know I studied at the library; I've been haunting the place like a poltergeist recently.

And, ah, the seventeenth.

cloudy day breakfast.

Jack and I cuddled inside.

I think he has a crush on our Captain.

But I had to head out sometime. It was, er, brisk.

I always turn back to Howard Zinn when I need something pure and simple and good to read.

When I returned, Kate and Dylan were cooking!

Well, Kate was cooking.

The three of us went downtown.

Heavy Seas was doing a promotion at Niner's! There were free pint glasses for the purchase of Black Cannon, the new IPA. Quite sweet for an IPA, but thick, like bitter cake batter.

We switched glasses at some point.

Brendan even came out! He gave me a few records that he had repeats of, as well.

Jack had waited up for me. It was only ten thirty.

The eighteenth started out similarly, but it was a beautiful day!

Sunny days call for short skirts.

I took special note of an inscription that a previous tenant had left on the tile. "May you live long and prosper." Dated April 9, 1916.

I began this blog, and worked on it into the afternoon.

Brendan and I tried to go to the gym, but it was closed. So we watched QI instead! Quite Interesting is a great game show where the comedian contestants earn points for having interesting answers. It involves several of my favorite things, including Stephen Fry, factual nonsense, and British comedians. This episode was about Justice!

Brendan's cat, Loki, was quite friendly. Friendly or exploitative.

We went to see a documentary at the Palace Theatre afterward, which is a lovely, small theatre that shows one movie one weekend out of the month. Naturally, I made it a point to visit.

They used to have exclusive memberships, but have opened their doors recently.

The movie, which claimed to be a "docu-mystery" was a curious family history about an Israeli man's Zionist grandparents and their Nazi best friends. Most of the "mysteries" could frankly have been solved with wikipedia, but it was an odd pleasure listening to the narrator's Israeli Hebrew accent for two hours. 

I persuaded Brendan to visit my favorite Chinese restaurant afterward.

We compared caffiene levels, and talked about movies.

x Guinevere

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