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Saturday, January 19, 2013

My first week living in Cumberland!

The first week, especially after Arthur left, would be a test of my internal fortitude! ...my intestinal, mental endurance against the forces of cultureshock (not really), solitude (questionable), and especially, relative boredom, seeing as I spent about an hour in my new office!

Definitely the most difficult part has been having so much free time. There are many things to do and see, but going from having multiple jobs, and working many in one day, to having one job which hasn't really started yet has been tough on the brains. I've spent a lot of time in the library, studying, on my computer, applying to volunteer opportunities, and watching old episodes of Star Trek (creature comforts).

After company had departed, it was time to tackle unpacking!

Jack and I started Twin Peaks while I started to distribute the miscellanea in so many boxes.

He distracted me with his good looks.

By evening, I didn't get so very far.

Kate and I went to see this play, starring her boyfriend, who is pictured in the foreground.

She, of course, laughed the loudest, and with the most distinguishable humor.

Throughout the week, though we had little to do, Jack and I rose at about eight. Here he is recovering from sleep.

I cleaned for most of the day, and then joined Ian and Dana for dinner and movies.

Ian and Dana are coincidentally, the most handsome couple I know; here they are pictured at a party some time ago:

We watched the little-seen sixty minute pilot of BBC Sherlock, and the making-of documentary (a recent obsession of theirs, the making-ofs) as well as a Danny Boyle movie called The Beach. It wasn't very good, but, ah, Leonardo DiCaprio:

Our poor wine bottle became overwhelmed and withdrew its own cork. Ah.

The next day found a similar routine; I visited the office for the first time, enjoying my new manager and the new equipment I'll be handling. The day itself was rather dismal, I'm afraid, but I enjoyed the rain and the wet, foggy atmosphere.

Cumberland, though small and dwindling, is a beautiful old city.

Kate and I soothed our soggy spirits with homemade chicken and lime soup, and the Vicar of Dibley:.

The next day would be one for the Washington Street library.
I wore this.

I was excited to study, again, finally, but found myself instead overwhelmed by Craig Thompson's Habibi, a beautiful book with blended Islamic mythology and cultural signifiers with themes of power, cleanliness, modernity, sexuality.

Reading with Guinevere!

Afterward, Kate entreated me to join her for tacos.

This young man wished us welcome.

The next morning, I was quite excited. Arthur would be arriving soon.

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